INSOL Saliva DNA Collector

INSOL Saliva DNA Collector

Product Name INSOL Saliva DNA Collector
Classification IVD medical device

Product Information

Intended Use
INSOL Saliva DNA Collector enables stable preservation and safe transfer of clinical specimens (DNA) present in oral fluid or saliva.
Kit Components
*Sample Collection Tube x 1
*Saliva Collection Funnel x 1
*Sample Preserving Solution (1 mL) Bottle x 1
*Tube Cap x 1
Storage Instructions
*Storage Conditions: 15-30ºC (before opening) / 20-30ºC (after sample collection)
*Shelf Life: 12 months (before opening) / 12 months (after sample collection)

Packing Unit: 1test / kit , 50kits / box

Instructions for Use

INSOL Saliva DNA Collector